
Choose which of our self-service portals you would like to visit. Simply select one from the dropdown and click "GO".


If you have any queries please complete the form below and we will contact you.

This is a big thank you to your support team. Your standard is really above average. I am in fact so impressed that I am going to sign up with you guys in my personal capacity.


Frequently asked Questions

What OS or platform does webonline use?
Our Linux servers run Redhat Linux and Apache. We also offer Win2000 and Win2003 servers running IIS.


What do I need to use webonline's web hosting services?
If you are viewing this page, then you have all that is required to take advantage of webonline's service - a computer with an Internet connection.


Does webonline offer dial-up access to the Internet?
Yes we offer dial-up connectivity to clients that hosts their website with us.


Does webonline support and offer Microsoft Access, ASP, and SQL?
Yes. These features are specific to Win2000 or Win2003 servers and they are supported through our Win2000 or Win2003 Web hosting plans.


Does webonline offer 24 hour technical support? We currently offer support during office hours. We pride ourselves in our level of customer support. On average, technical support requests are resolved within 30 minutes. How do we know our customers like our service? 73% of our new orders are from either existing customers or referral from existing customers.


What kind of connection does webonline have to the Internet backbone?
webonline connects to the Internet backbone through UUNET, SAIX, POSIX, JINX and more. This ensures the fastest and the most reliable connection to the Internet backbone.


Does webonline also design web pages?
webonline does not offer web designing services. The majority of our clients are designers themselves.


What is the typical webonline server configuration?
webonline's minimum server configurations are Intel Pentium III machines. We also have the odd AMD for certain applications. The majority of our servers are Dell PowerEdge 1U servers.


Can I securely accept credit card information through my website?
Yes, with our secure server you can securely accept credit card information


Is it possible to process credit card transactions in real time?
Yes. You need three things to process the credit card payments in real time.
  1. A Merchant Account
  2. A Real-time credit card processing account
  3. A Shopping cart that supports your choice of real-time credit card processing solution


Does webonline provide any database solutions?
MySQL, MS SQL and MS ACCESS are supported. MySQL database is free on all our hosting plans. MS ACCESS support is provided from our Windows Neon hosting plan and upwards. MS SQL support is provided from our Windows Krypton hosting plan and upwards.


What statistical package does webonline offer?
Webalizer and AWStats are supported on all our hosting plans.


Do you offer any ready-to-run cgi-scripts?
We offer the Formmail.pl(for e-mailing form results) script from our Linux Neon hosting plan and upwards.


Does webonline offer chat rooms (IRC servers)?
We do not.


Does webonline support Microsoft FrontPage?
webonline will install the necessary extensions for you to use FrontPage. Without the proper FrontPage extensions you will not be able to use FrontPage to publish your site nor can you use any of the tools that FrontPage supports (WebBots, ToDo Lists and the FrontPage/ Explorer interface).

However, webonline does not support problems and questions directly related to the use of FrontPage, instead we will direct you to Microsoft's FrontPage Technical Support


What version of FrontPage does webonline support?
We support FrontPage 2002 and 2000.


Does webonline support third level domains or sub-domains?
Yes, we do support this option. Please contact sales@webonline.biz for more information.


How do I setup my email accounts?
All you have to do is send a email to our support team with a list of aliases and request that they created pop3 accounts for you.